How to download H-ELITE ?

In the AppStore of course!
H-ELITE is compatible with:
- iPhone 4
- iPhone 3GS
- iPod touch 3rd generation 32Go & 64Go
- iPod touch 4th generation

Download  : H-ELITE full version
Download  : H-ELITE free version.

What about the iPad?
Although the AppStore allows you to download H-ELITE on your iPad,
H-ELITE is not validated for the iPad yet.
Nevertheless, the iPad compatible version is on the roadmap and should be available soon.

Q : I have an iPad, I already downloaded H-ELITE and it doesn't run, what can I do ?
A : That's normal, don't worry, don't throw your iPad in the toilets! ;-) . Just wait for iPad compatible update in the AppStore.
As soon as it is available, download it for free, and H-ELITE will run on your iPad !